Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science

Project Website(s)

SciEd Conference Poster

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SciEd Conference Poster
  • Project Description

    The ALL for Science project expands an instructional framework developed by the K-3 Stem Foundations: Life Science project. With the ALL for Science framework, students engage in two related forms of inquiry: 1) firsthand scientific inquiry based on a model organism or system following a learning cycle approach and 2) related text-based inquiry using existing real-world informational resources (reviewed for appropriateness prior to use). This approach emulates how practicing scientists connect their own investigations to the published literature and use information from multiple sources to advance their understanding. Students’ work in small groups is designed to enable language and skills development leading to legitimate participation by students in an incipient community of practice guided by their teacher. 

Project Audience

Elementary school students (grades 1-4) and their teachers

Subjects Addressed

Life science, reading, writing, ELA, science, teacher professional development

Associated SEPA Project(s)

Associated SEPA Publication(s)