Educational Resources
Be a Superhero Vet Lessons!
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - you have what it takes to be a veterinary superhero? Find out:
Beanie Babies
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - purpose of this activity is to identify the needs of plants for germination, growth, and survival. This inquiry activity was developed by a K-12 science teacher in the American Physiological Society’s 2005 Frontiers in Physiology Program. The NSES Standards… [More]
BioEd Online
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - Online, the online educational resource for educators, students, and parents. BioEd Online utilizes state-of-the-art technology to give you instant access to reliable, cutting-edge information and educational tools for biology and related subjects. Our goal is to provide useful, accurate,… [More]
Bone Student Reading
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - adult human body is made up of several bones- 206 bones to be exact! All these bones make up the skeletal system which has three main functions. 1. Gives the body the right shape. 2. Allows the body to… [More]
Charles Darwin Synthetic Interview (Lite Version) Lesson Plan
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - plan for use with Charles Darwin Synthetic Interview- Lite Version This lesson is designed to be used with the Charles Darwin Synthetic Interview Lite app. This is a free app which is available for both iOS and Android devices…. [More]
Charles Darwin Synthetic Interview (Paid Version) Lesson Plan
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - lesson is designed to be used with the Charles Darwin Synthetic Interview app. This is a paid app which is available for both iOS and Android devices. A free version of the app, is also available, along with a… [More]
Colors of Nature
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - Colors of Nature project blends art and science through programs for students, families, and educators. Through a number of different activities that reach different audiences, we aim to: Illustrate that science is a creative endeavor, and that science and art overlap… [More]
COVID-19 the Great Pandemic of 2020 – A comprehensive online curriculum designed for second level high school biology students Grades 10-12
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) -‘COVID-19, the great pandemic of 2020’ is a comprehensive journey into how scientists are learning about the virus, the disease, epidemiology and vaccines, and how what they learn is impacting public health policy in real time. It is designed for… [More]
Curriculum – Environmental Health Investigators (EHI)
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - -
DNA and Phylogenetic Tree Activity Guide
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - activity uses a phylogenetic tree poster (adapted from the Spiral of Life mural series) and selected organisms from throughout the animal kingdom. Barcodes represent genetic makeup, and students must observe the similarities and differences between the barcodes to determine… [More]
DNA Bracelet Activity
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - use beads and pipe cleaners in this activity to compare similarities and differences in their outwardly observable genetic traits like attached/unattached earlobes, right or left handedness, eye color, etc. Students learn what DNA is and how it impacts the… [More]
DNA Highway Repair Activity Guide
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - toy trucks, road pieces, and signs to explore DNA replication and repair in this hands-on activity. Students will learn about the structure of DNA and its functions in the body. Discover how sunlight (UV radiation) can affect the process… [More]
Evolution of Metabolism Puzzle Race Lesson Plan
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - this lesson students explore the concepts of evolution, metabolism, multi-cellularity, cooperation, and specialization. Used in conjunction with the movie, Our Cells, Our Selves, this activity lets students compete against each other to assemble puzzles or varying difficulties. Students learn… [More]
Family Trees Lesson Plan
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - plan about inheritance, phenotypes, genotyoes, and dominance/recessiveness Family Trees is a customizable lesson plan that can be adapted for elementary, middle, and high school students. Students learn about self and cross-fertilization in flowers and will explore the contributions of… [More]
Feathered Families Lesson Plan
Lesson Plans and Curricular Materials (Print, PDF) - plan about taxonomy and shared characteristics In Feathered Families, students learn about the concepts of taxonomy, shared taxonomic features, and the processes of natural selection and speciation. This lesson features the use of graphic organizers to show the similarities… [More]