Charles Darwin Synthethic Interview

The Partnership in Education is a program located at Duquesne University that is passionate about improving STEM education and health literacy. Funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, we specialize in creating innovative, hands-on educational products that make science engaging and fun for teachers, their students, and learners of all ages.
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Converse with Darwin about his life and contributions to science!
Charles Darwin, the naturalist, geologist, and leading contributor to the fundamental principles of Evolution, comes alive through synthetic interview technology. Duquesne University biology professor John Pollock collaborated with Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center (creator of the Synthetic Interview technology) to develop an interactive experience in which users select from a list of questions to ask the virtual Darwin, portrayed by Pittsburgh actor and Carnegie Mellon drama alumnus Randy Kovitz. Questions cover Darwin’s adventures, the principles of evolution, the public response to his discovery, his childhood, personal quirks and a number of other topics. More than a dozen modern-day biologists, religious authorities, an ACLU lawyer and other experts provide modern commentary and answer questions beyond Darwin’s 19th century knowledge.

Questions to be answered by Darwin have been drawn from more than 1,000 interviews with K-12 students and adults that were distilled into the 199 most frequently asked questions. Answers to these questions, compiled by Dr. David Lampe, are in Darwin’s own words; drawn from a considerable body of Darwin’s writings, including his notes, books, autobiography, and the thousands of Darwin’s personal letters available through the Darwin Correspondence Project. Principal Funding from the National Institutes of Health/Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA) and the John Templeton Foundation.

Resource Contact:
Pollock, John A – PhD