Psychometric Re-evaluation of the Image of Science and Scientists Scale (ISSS)

Published:2007, School Science and Mathematics
Authors:Marshall CE, Blalock CL, Liu Y, Pruski LA, Toepperwein MA, Owen SV, Lichtenstein MJ
Type:Project Generated

attitude, evaluation, statistics, survey

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In the current study, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the dimemsionality of the 29-item ISSS, which was administered to 531 middle school students in three San Antonio, Texas school districts at the beginning of the 2004-2005 school year. The results failed to confirm the presumed 1-factor structure of the ISSS, but instead showed a 3-factor structure with only marginal fit with the data, even after removal of 12 inadequate items. Shortening the scale from 29 to 17 items makes it more feasible to use in a classroom setting. Determining whether the three dimensions identified in our analysis, “Positive Imgaes of Scientists,” “Negative Images of Scientists,” and “Science Avocation” contain usefull assessments of middle school student impressions and attitudes will require independent investigation in other samples.