More PEAS Please! Teaching Teachers How to Integrate Food-based Learning Into Preschool Science

Published:2024, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Stage, V.C., Resor, J., Dixon, J., Hegde, A.V., Méndez, L.I., Lee, T., Breinholt, R., Goodell, L.S., McMillan, V.J. and Gilliam, E.M., 2023. More PEAS Please! Teaching Teachers How to Integrate Food-based Learning Into Preschool Science. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Authors:Stage V, Resor J, Dixon J, Hegde A, Méndez L, Lee T, Breinholt R, Goodell S, McMillan J, Gilliam E.

Head Start, early childhood education, science, professional development

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