An Examination of the Multidimensionality of Situational Interest in Elementary School Physical Education

Published:2008, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
Authors:Sun HC, Chen A, Ennis C
Type:Project Generated

motivation, learning environment

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It has been demonstrated that situational interest in physical activity may derive from five dimensional sources, Novelty, Optimal Challenge, Attention Demand, Exploration Intent, and Instant Enjoyment. The purpose of this study was to examine the multidimensional sources in elementary school physical education. The five dimensions were measured in 5,717 students in third, fourth, and fifth grades from a random sample of 30 elementary schools. Students’ responses were randomly divided into two samples for a two-step confirmatory factor analysis. The results confirmed that the five dimensions are primary sources of situational interest for elementary physical education. The findings implied that situational interest should be taken into account as a necessary curricular component in elementary physical education.