Teens experiment with yeast in a Juanita High School class in Kirkland, Washington.

Randy Carnell
Learn More https://newsroom.uw.edu/postscript/diabetes-course-inspires-healthy-choices-high-schoolers

The University of Washington Newsroom reported on the work being done by the Genes, the Environment, and Me: Health and STEM Network (GEMNET) SEPA project. The article features insights from high school biology students who took part in a series of hands-on lessons about type 2 diabetes. Students learned about the role of sugar in metabolism and how making healthy choices can make an impact on fighting and preventing the disease. The lessons were developed by the Genome Sciences Education Outreach program at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Source: https://newsroom.uw.edu/postscript/diabetes-course-inspires-healthy-choices-high-schoolers
Associated Project:
Genes, the Environment, and Me: Health and STEM Network (GEMNET)

News Contacts:
Griswold, Joan C – MIT
Associated Institution:
University of Washington