The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and Drexel’s School of Education recently received a $1.35 million Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) grant from the National Institutes of Health to support early childhood STEM education throughout Philadelphia. The grant,… [More]
SEPA Science Center and Museum Overview and Funding Webinar – Monday, October 25, 2021 2–3:30pm EDT
| Events, Funding Opportunities, NewsMonday, October 25, 2021 at 2:00pm – 3:30pm EDT Meeting ID:160 861 1949 Passcode:498124 Webinar link Agenda Overview of the NIH SEPA program SEPA Science Center and Museum – Examples Case studies of SEPA projects Oregon Museum of Science… [More]
Pre-Submission Webinar for PAR-20-244, SBIR & STTR – Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 1–3pm EDT
| Events, NewsNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Pre-Submission Webinar for PAR-20-244, Interactive Digital Media STEM Resources for Pre-College and Informal Science Education Audiences, SBIR and STTR Tuesday, July 27, 2021 1 – 3 PM EDT Agenda: NIH SBIR &… [More]
SEPA Pre-Submission Webinar Wednesday, June 9, 2021 1 – 3 PM EDT Agenda SEPA Program Overview NIH Grant Review Process Human Subjects – What you need to know Budget Issues – What is allowable and what is not Inside a… [More]
ED Games Expo Conference The ED Games Expo is the Department of Education’s annual public showcase and celebration of game-changing innovations in education technology. Since 2013 the Expo has been held at locations across Washington, DC, including the John F. Kennedy… [More]
The STEM Through Authentic Research and Training (START) program at the University of Kentucky is creating a unique pipeline to increase science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) literacy and promote STEM careers for traditionally underrepresented populations (people of color, individuals… [More]
NIH has just launched a new COVID-19 website: The site details NIH’s strategic response to the pandemic and includes research highlights; information on testing, treatments, and vaccines; and COVID-19 related funding opportunities.
This new film series explores what education looks like during this historic and increasingly challenging time. Learn how Umóⁿhoⁿ (Omaha) Nation Public Schools has risen to the task to keep community safety and learning a key priority.
Join NSTA members, authors, friends, staff, and Past President Carolyn Hayes on Twitter every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 9 PM ET for #NSTAchat. Simply log into Twitter, search on #NSTAchat, and join the conversation. We’ll be… [More]
Tufts’ Great Diseases Program Introduces a New Curriculum That Provides High School Teachers with Online Lessons about COVID-19
| News, Project UpdateAll spring, Tufts CSE fielded increasingly desperate pleas from teachers for lesson plans easily adapted to online learning, but sadly we had nothing for this space. Our student material is solidly classroom-based, and our online courses are part of the… [More]