
  • TEDx WVU — Presenter: Ann Chester, Ph.D.
    | Events, News

    Kudos! to Ann Chester Ph.D., who participated in the launch of TEDx WVU in early March. Dr. Chester’s presentation, “Rekindling the American Dream in Students,” focused on the importance of providing a sense of community through educational programs for underprivileged… [More]

  • SciEd 2018 is right around the corner. This is your chance to interact with other SEPA PIs, sharing successes and great ideas. Registration has begun, so sign up early to attend and plan to showcase your work! For complete information about… [More]

  • Introducing 21st-Century Teaching Tools
    | News, Project Update

    John Pollock, Ph.D., and his project team with The Partnership in Education at Duquesne University, meet regularly with a wide range of collaborators, including artists and animators, technologists and developers, educators and evaluators, and medical doctors and researchers from leading… [More]

  • FoodMASTER Is on the Road Again!
    | News, Project Update

    A newly formed component “FoodMASTER: Reach to Teach” has introduced more than 1,000 registered dietitian-nutritionists (RDNs) to its nutrition-science education programs. The component is designed to foster worldwide synergistic relationships between dietitian-nutritionists and teachers. FoodMASTER spokesperson Sylvia Escott-Stump already has made… [More]

  • USA Science Engineering Festival Expo: April 7 – 8, 2018
    | Events, News

    Mark your calendars for the 5th annual USA Science & Engineering Festival Expo on April 7–8, 2018! Explore 3,000 hands-on exhibits from the world’s leading scientific and engineering societies, universities, government agencies, high-tech corporations and STEM organizations. The free two-day… [More]

  • More than One Million Downloads!
    | News, Project Update

    Since its inception, Monster Heart Medic, along with associated educational apps in The Lawrence Hall of Science’s apps family, have had more than 1 million downloads. That’s nothing to sneeze at! Darrell Porcello, Ph.D., with The University of California Berkeley’s… [More]

  • Seeing Is Believing…
    | News, Project Update

    Studies have shown that when students know what the consequences are for risky behavior, they are less likely to engage in that behavior. This series of hands-on, inquiry-based lessons uses living animals, planarians, to model human physical responses to chemicals… [More]

  • Update: We Role Like This!
    | News, Project Update

    Inspire and educate students with e-books and interactive game from the “This is How We ‘Role’’’ project. Four beautifully illustrated storybooks engage young students as they enter a world of subtle role-playing to learn the differences or similarities between how… [More]

  • Many middle school students throughout Missouri and the nation can be at a disadvantage when it comes to learning science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) principles. These require building strong literacy skills, understanding key concepts, and learning how to read… [More]

  • SEPA Focus: Preventing Infectious Diseases
    | News

    It’s that time of year again, Flu Season. December 4-11 is National Influenza Vaccination Week. Over the years, SEPA projects have focused on initiatives to designed to help educate communities around the country about infectious diseases and methods of prevention…. [More]