Dartmouth College
Biological Sciences
78 N. College Street Life Sciences Center, Room 222
Hanover NH 03755Website:
https://biology.dartmouth.edu/The Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth is a broadly based department that covers everything from molecules to ecosystems. The faculty all have international reputations and funded research programs that train not only undergraduates (as the name college might imply) but also graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and hosts visiting scholars from other universities as well. Note that this project, while based in the Department of Biological Sciences, also includes active and intergral participation from faculty members in the Department of Education , the Thayer School of Engineering , and professional science educators from the Montshire Museum of Science .
Associated SEPA Project(s)
Dartmouth Rural STEM Educator Partnership
R25GM129820-01A1 : 07/05/2019 - 05/31/2024
Department Contact(s)