Bond, Judith – PhD
Pennsylvania State University Hershey Med Ctr, Hershey PA
Booth, Jim
National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Raleigh NC
Borrero, Michelle
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, San Juan PR
Boss, Gerry R – MD
University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA
Bosse, Michael
East Carolina University, Greenville NC
Boulay, Rachel – PhD
The University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa (UHM) John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu HI
Bowers, Marisa – PhD
City of Hope / Beckman Research Institute, Duarte CA
Boyd, Michael A
Iowa State University, Ames IA
Bracey, Georgia
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville IL
Bradley, Luke H – PhD
University of Kentucky, Lexington KY
Bragonje, Claire
West Virginia University, Morgantown WV
Brandl, Rayelynn
Montana Technology University, Butte MT
Brier, Georgia – MS
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis MN
Briley, Chiquita
Mississippi State University of Agriculture, Mississippi State MS
Britschgi, Theresa – MS
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle WA
Bromberg, Mel
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Milwaukee WI
Bronner, Liliana P – MHSA, MBA
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha NE
Brown, Judy A – EdD
Miami Museum of Science, Miami FL
Brown, William E – PhD
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
Bruno, Merle
Hampshire College, Amherst MA
Bruzdewicz, Kelly
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh PA
Buchanan, Leo H
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worchester MA
Buckland, Trez – MEd
University of Washington, Seattle WA
Budd, Mare
Montclair State University, Montclair NJ
Burgess, David R
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science- (SACNAS), Santa Cruz CA