David H. Petering, PhD

Primary Institution:
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Distinguished Professor
Current SEPA Project

Dr. David H. Petering and his colleagues have been supported by NIH for more than 25 years to provide precollege students with innovative scientific research experiences that connect biology, environmental health, and toxicology. He served as PI of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P30 core centers between 1987 and 2016, first directing the Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center and then the Children’s Environmental Health Sciences Core Center. Each involved a robust community engagement core, where the current SEPA program emerged and thrived. The emphasis in each center on behavioral and developmental toxicology and their study in zebrafish and other freshwater organisms have been translated into research modules for SEPA high school students. Sustained involvement with community engagement also included a substantial focus on environmental justice that is a focus in the current SEPA program. Dr. Petering’s research focuses on metals in biological systems – cellular trafficking of essential transition metals, biochemical toxicology of metals, and the mechanism of action of metallodrugs. He is internationally recognized across these facets of bioinorganic chemistry. Embedded in a doctoral program, his research program has educated many graduate, and postdoctoral students. This collective experience supports the SEPA program as it enhances student interest and understanding of STEM at the pre-college entrance to the pathway that eventually leads them to careers in biomedical science.

Associated SEPA Project(s)

Associated SEPA Publication(s)