James C. Lester, PhD
Primary Institution:
North Carolina State UniversityDepartment:
Center for Educational InformaticsPosition(s):
Distinguished Professor of Computer ScienceDirector of the Center for Educational Informatics at North Carolina State University
Current SEPA Project
Health Quest: Engaging Adolescents in Health Careers with Technology-rich Personalized Learning
R25OD021880-01A1 : 08/01/2017 - 07/31/2022
R25OD021880-01A1 : 08/01/2017 - 07/31/2022
James C. Lester is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Educational Informatics at North Carolina State University. He is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). His research on personalized learning technologies ranges from intelligent tutoring systems and game-based learning environments to affective computing, computational models of narrative, and natural language tutorial dialogue. The adaptive learning environments he and his colleagues develop have been used by thousands of students in K-12 classrooms throughout the US and internationally.
Associated SEPA Project(s)
Health Quest: Engaging Adolescents in Health Careers with Technology-rich Personalized Learning
R25OD021880-01A1 : 08/01/2017 - 07/31/2022