Backward Design as a Mobile Application Development Strategy

Published:2019, Educational Tech Research Dev.
67:711–731. On-line April 8, 2019
Authors:Kantorski B, Sanford-Dolly C, Commisso D, Pollock JA
PMID:31148910 , PMCID:PMC6502782

Backward design, app development, science education, design strategies, curriculum design methodologies

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Backward design is a well-established design strategy that has been used to produce educa- tional curriculum for decades. While traditionally used to plan and create classroom-based curriculum, in this paper we explore the use of backward design as a design strategy for the development of an educational mobile application, BiblioTechTM “CityHacks: In Search of Sleep.” We discuss the process from initial conception to launch and updates, as well as plans for future research.