John A. Craven, PhD
Primary Institution:
Fordham UniversityPosition(s):
Associate Professor and Principal Investigatorfor the Fordham University -
Wildlife Conservation Society Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
Dr. John Craven is Associate Professor of Education. He has an earned PhD from the University of Iowa in Science Education; an MS in Geology from the University of Memphis; a BS in Education from Memphis State University, and a BS in Animal Science from the University of Connecticut.
He has a broad set of experiences working with youth in such settings as Covenant House, the Peace Corps as a volunteer in Tunisia, the Memphis Pink Palace Museum as a K-12 science specialist, and a high school teacher in Kolbe Cathedral High School (Bridgeport, CT).
His science research background includes having served as a research assistant for a small team of leading scientists at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) examining the paleoseismic record in the New Madrid seismic zone (central United States).
His current work in science education focuses on helping new science teachers develop understandings and skills for teaching the subject through inquiry in urban schools.
Dr. Craven is also Principal Investigator for the NSF-funded program, Fordham University/Wildlife Conservation Society Robert Noyce Scholarship Program. This program provides scholarships for qualified science majors and science professionals seeking a career change in education.
For information on the Fordham University programs in science education (including Adolescence Biology Education, Adolescence Chemistry Education, Earth Science Education, and Physics Education as well as middle school extensions for science teachers) or for information regarding funding/scholarship opportunities for science educators, Dr. Craven suggests emailing him at