Elizabeth Ann (Libby) Rutledge, PhD
Primary Institution:
Salish Kootenai CollegeDepartment:
Secondary Science EducationDr. Libby Rutledge earned a M.S. and Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Dallas in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She completed post-doctoral fellowships at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, OR, in the field of cell biology and at University of Washington in Seattle in the field of gene therapy. She is an inventor on a patent for a new strain of a virus, adeno-associated virus 6, that she cloned. Libby was director of a core facility for Molecular Genetics for the Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center at the University of Washington in Seattle before moving to Montana. She has authored 25 peer-reviewed research publications. She has worked at Salish Kootenai College since 2007, mentoring students in research techniques in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory, teaching courses in the Life Sciences Department, and serving as department head. She has also started her own business, a mobile molecular biology laboratory, housed in a motor home.
Associated SEPA Project(s)
BioSTORM: Biomedical STEM Transitions through Outreach, Research and Model Education for High School Students
R25OD021910-01 : 05/04/2016 - 04/30/2021