PATHS – Pathways for Authentic Teaching of Health Sciences

  • Project Description

    Pathways for Authentic Teaching of Health Sciences (PATHS) is a five year project designed to build health literacy knowledge and skills supported by a culturally responsive lens. PATHS will provide teachers and students in historically underserved rural and urban Virgnia communities with career awareness for the various educational trajectories and opportunities provided by health professions (Medical Lab Sciences, PT and OT, Radiation Science, and Dental Hygiene). PATHS will engage 60 secondary teachers (grades 7 through 12) over four years in a model program that provides curriculum and pedagogical support (professional development) guided by culturally responsive practices. Our aim is to support teachers and ultimately students in learning about the skills and content of health professions, the impact of social determinants of health (SDH), and to develop their ability to work with large data sets through medical tools related to precision health. The curriculum tools will be web-based modularized units to address five areas of health professions, SDH, and precision health and will provide content-rich and inquiry-based exposure to careers and skills necessary for health professions that are applicable to science, health/physical education, and career and technology education classrooms. Teachers will participate in two summer institutes with support during school-year follow-up sessions and virtual coaching. The project team along with the Virginia Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) will support teachers and their students with sharing their learning at Community Health Fairs, STEM Fairs, and other student research conferences.

Project Audience

Teachers and students for grades 7 through 12

Subjects Addressed

Health Profession Careers
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Social Determinants of Health
Precision Health (Data Analysis)