Salish Kootenai College
PO Box 7058138 US Hwy 93 - Pablo, MT 59855
Website: mission of Salish Kootenai College is to provide quality post-secondary educational opportunities for Native Americans, locally and from throughout the United States. The College will promote community and individual development and perpetuate the cultures of the Confederated Tribes of the Flathead Nation.
Salish Kootenai College aspires to be the pre-eminent educational center of excellence for American Indian Students, grounded in the cultures of the Séliš, Ksanka and QÍispé people of the Flathead Nation. The college will empower students to improve the lives of their families and communities through research, leadership and service.
Division of Education: Secondary Science Education
Website: Division of Education is one of the largest academic departments at Salish Kootenai College, currently with about 200 students in five distinct degree program tracks. Students can pursue Associates and Bachelors degrees in Early Childhood Education (birth to age 8), Early Childhood Education–P3 (preschool through Grade 3), Elementary Education (K–8), Secondary Science Education (grades 5–12), and Secondary Mathematics Education (grades 5–12). The last four of these five tracks lead to state licensure upon graduation.
Associated SEPA Project(s)
BioSTORM: Biomedical STEM Transitions through Outreach, Research and Model Education for High School Students
R25OD021910-01 : 05/04/2016 - 04/30/2021
Department Contact(s)
Elizabeth Ann (Libby) Rutledge PhD Phone: 406-275-4800 Fax: 406-275-4809Email:
Andrea Panagakis MSE, MScEmail: